La Selección Valenciana sub18 empata contra Euskadi y mantiene vivas las opciones de clasificación para la Fase Final (2-2)
La Selección Valenciana sub18 ha empatado a dos con la Selección del País Vasco en el primer partido de la Segunda Fase del Campeonato Nacional de Selecciones Autonómicas disputado en el estadio de El Fornás, en Port de Sagunt. Este resultado deja con opciones en el encuentro del domingo de clasificación para la Fase Final para la Selección Valenciana y apea definitivamente a la Vasca del Campeonato.
El combinado de José Gimeno arrancó con potencia y seguridad el encuentro y se encontró con un gol bastante temprano fruto de la presión en el centro del campo de Diego Collado. El propio Collado robó, condujo y disparó cruzado para anotar el 0-1. Un golazo que dio tranquilidad a los locales.
Sin embargo, Euskadi empató cuando más controlado tenía el encuentro el equipo de Gimeno. Un error defensivo propició el gol de Ander Barrenetxea, un punto de inflexión en la seguridad defensiva de la zaga valenciana. Otro error, esta vez subsanado por Cendón, estuvo a punto de significar el segundo gol vasco, pero Jon López no superó al meta de la Selección Valenciana.
Después del empate a 2️⃣ de la #SeleccióValenciana sub18 🆚 @EFF_FVF
🙋♂️José Gimeno:
💬 “Partido muy igualado, ha quedado demostrado que somos dos grandes selecciones”
💬 “El despliegue físico ha sido brutal”#AmuntValenciana#somValenciana🔹🔸♥️
— FFCV (@FFCV_info) February 22, 2019
Pero Euskadi no aprovechó sus oportunidades y la Selección Valenciana salió a la segunda parte muy metida en el encuentro. Gracias a eso, como sucedió en la primera mitad, los de Gimeno pudieron adelantarse muy pronto en el marcador. Una jugada muy elaborada por la banda derecha acabó en los pies de Morante, que anotó tras dos recortes y volvió a poner por delante a los suyos.
Euskadi apretó mucho después de haberse recuperado del golpe. Jon López tuvo varias ocasiones y Javier Cendón fue clave en otro mano a mano decisivo que salvó a su equipo del empate. Pero no tuvo nada que hacer en el remate de cabeza de Kepa Uriarte tras un centro por la derecha. Inapelable.
Los visitantes se impusieron por físico en el tramo final del encuentro y aún tuvieron alguna ocasión para poder ganar. El empate no le valía a Euskadi, que necesitaba ganar para poder seguir con opciones en el Campeonato. Al final este 2-2 deja viva en la clasificación a la Selección Valenciana, que tendrá que certificar el pase a la Fase Final con una victoria el domingo sobre Cantabria.
País Vasco (2): Gaizka Ayesa, Trespalacios, Argente, Imanol Baz, Jon Pacheco, Beñat Prados (Kepa Uriarte, m. 75), Rubén Azcona, Jon López, Ander Barrenetxea, Urko González (Beñat Turrientes, m. 57) y Javier López (Borja Sainz, m. 57).
Comunidad Valenciana (2): Cendón, Estacio, Carlos Romero (Álvaro Martínez, m. 67), Menargues, Toni Herrero, Iván Morante, Diego Collado, César Moreno (Diego Bri, m. 82), Jordi Escobar (Álex Forés, m. 68), Pacheco y Yeremy (Aitor, m. 87).
Goles: 0-1 (Diego Collado, m. 12), 1-1 (Barrenetxea, m. 27), 1-2 (Iván Morante, m. 58), 2-2 (Kepa Uriarte, m. 82)
Arbitro: Rodríguez Roderigo, Antonio Javier, del Comité Valenciano.
- Publicado en Actualidad, Noticias FFCV, Noticias Selecciones, Sin categoría
Victoria contundente de la Selección Valenciana sub16 sobre la Selección del País Vasco en Port de Sagunt (1-3)
La Selección Valenciana sub16 venció por tres goles a uno a la Selección del País Vasco en el partido inaugural de la Segunda Fase del Campeonato Nacional de Selecciones Autonómicas disputado en el estadio de El Fornás (Port de Sagunt).
Los chicos de Javi Lafora eran conscientes de que los vascos eran el máximo rival para poder conseguir el pase a la Fase Final. Por eso salieron metidos en el encuentro desde el primer minuto y no concedieron metros al rival. Egoitz Mendizábal había previsto una defensa de cinco hombres para contener la calidad individual valenciana y varios hombres muy rápidos arriba para causar daño a la contra.
Sin embargo tanto Rubo como Cristhian extremaron las precauciones atrás impidiendo cualquier tipo de avance vasco. El equipo de Lafora se fue poco a poco inclinando hacia la derecha, donde Fabio acumulaba jugadas de peligro gracias a su desborde en el uno contra uno. No obstante, el encuentro llegó al descanso con empate a cero pese a las ocasiones locales.
El dominio valenciano se certificó tras el descanso. Álex Cerdá cazó un rechace y adelantó a la Selección Valenciana. Un gol que dio mucha tranquilidad a los de Lafora y acabó de abrir el partido.
El equipo se mostró muy solvente en la zona de atrás y empezó a gustarse arriba. Los goles de Rodri o de Jorge Pascual fueron una muestra clara de la calidad individual que atesoran los sub16 valencianos.
Esta victoria deja a la Selección Valenciana sub16 muy cerca de la clasificación matemática para la Fase Final del Campeonato de España de Selecciones Autonómicas.
País Vasco (1): Aitor Fraga, Aimar González, Gerenabarrena (Hugo Rincón, m. 41), Rego, Nico Serrano, Iker Alday (Yeray Carpio, m. 63), Jon Merino (Toledano, m. 41), Mendes, Arrillaga (Unai Ugalde, m. 47), Pablo Marín y Gorka Gastesi.
Comunidad Valenciana (3): Nicolau, Marcos Sánchez, Jesús Vázquez, Rubo Iranzo, Cristhian Mosquera, De Pedro, Álex Cerdá (Mario Domínguez, m. 73), Fabio Blanco, Álex Jiménez (Rodri Alonso, m. 53), Joan Gallego (Javi Navarro, m. 65) y Jorge Pascual (Tomás Inglés, m.67).
Goles: 0-1 (Álex Cerdá, m. 43), 0-2 (Rodri Alonso, m. 54), 0-3 (Jorge Pascual, m. 61), 1-3 (Serrano, m. 81)
Arbitro: Ortega Herra, Francisco José, del Comité Valenciano.
- Publicado en Actualidad, Noticias FFCV, Noticias Selecciones
La Selección Española de Futsal sub17 convoca a José Ángel Lozano, capitán de la Selección Valenciana

José Ángel Lozano con la Selección Valenciana en Lepe (Huelva)
La Selección Española de Futsal ha convocado al cierre José Ángel Lozano, jugador del FS Picassent, para los amistosos que disputará los próximos días 26 y 27 de febrero en Calvià y Capdepera frente a Portugal.
José Ángel Lozano es el actual capitán de la Selección Valenciana Futsal sub16 y el pasado fin de semana disputó contra Murcia la semifinal del Campeonato de España en el pabellón de la Ciudad del Fútbol de Las Rozas. Pese al resultado (4-8), tanto la Selección Valenciana a nivel colectivo como el propio Lozano a nivel individual realizaron un gran encuentro.
Golazo de José Ángel Lozano a 8 segundos del descanso!!!
Aún hay opciones. Mai rendir-se 💪🏼#Futsal#AmuntValenciana
— FFCV (@FFCV_info) February 16, 2019
Lozano anotó uno de los cuatro goles de la Valenciana y fue decisivo para que nuestra Selección llegara a disputar la Fase Final en Madrid después de vencer a Andalucía en los penaltis en Lepe (Huelva).
El seleccionador nacional, Albert Canillas, pudo seguir de cerca las evoluciones de Lozano en la Fase Final de Las Rozas. Tanto él como el seleccionador absoluto, Fede Vidal, han valorado en público de forma muy positiva la evolución que ha mostrado el joven futbolista del FS Picassent.
⚠ OFICIAL | Lista de la @SeFutbol Sala Sub-17 para los amistosos del 26 y 27 de febrero en Calvià y Capdepera ante Portugal
— Selección Española de Fútbol (@SeFutbol) February 19, 2019
- Publicado en Actualidad, Noticias Fútbol Sala, Noticias Selecciones
La FFCV, presente en las primeras Jornadas Jurídicas de la FIFA

Salva Gomar, Miguel Ramón y Nieves Vila en la sede central de la FIFA, Zúrich
La Federación de Fútbol de la Comunitat Valenciana está presente en la primera Jornada que celebra la FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) dedicada de manera íntegra al Derecho Deportivo.
El presidente de la FFCV, Salva Gomar, la nueva directora del Área de Formación de la FFCV, Nieves Vila, y el asesor jurídico de la FFCV, Miguel Ramón, se encuentran en la Casa del Fútbol de Zúrich en la «Football Law Annual Review 2018».
Los miembros de la expedición valenciana aprovechan para intercambiar conocimientos con sus homólogos de otras federaciones europeas y mundiales para después poder aplicarlos en la FFCV. De esta manera el fútbol valenciano estará a la vanguardia en cuanto a derecho jurídico se refiere.
La jornada comenzó a las 9:00 hora local y fue inaugurada por el presidente de la FIFA, Gianni Infantino. A continuación el Director Legal, el español Emilio García Silvero, introdujo la Jornada.
La FIFA espera que esto se convierta en un acontecimiento anual para poder unificar criterios jurídicos entre todas las federaciones de fútbol del mundo.
- Publicado en Actualidad, Noticias FFCV
Pacheta: «Las charlas de Formación y Actualización para entrenadores exigen al ponente estar al máximo nivel»

José Rojo Pacheta durante su ponencia para la Jornada de Formación y Actualización del Comité de Entrenadores de la FFCV (Foto Elche CF)
El entrenador del Elche CF, José Rojo Pacheta, fue el protagonista de la Jornada de Formación y Actualización que organizó el Comité de Entrenadores de la FFCV con el apoyo del Elche CF en el estadio Martínez Valero.
El técnico del @elchecfoficial, @pacheta_oficial, en la Jornada de Formación y Actualización de entrenadores de la @FFCV_info
💬 “Si no tengo muñecos pq estoy en un equipo pequeño, pongo conos de la @policia”
La importancia de la #pasión y el ❤️ en el trabajo
Gracias! 😉
— FFCV (@FFCV_info) 15 de febrero de 2019
Pacheta pudo exponer sus vivencias y conocimientos a más de 70 entrenadores que llenaron el auditorio. El técnico mostró su lado más afable y estuvo a disposición de todo el que lo requirió durante la charla teórica y la demostración práctica sobre el césped.
«Compartir experiencias es una forma que tenemos los entrenadores de crecer», asegura Pacheta.
El entrenador mostró su pasión por la profesión de entrenador al explicar la forma en la que se lo tienen que arreglar los entrenadores que no disponen de muchos medios para preparar las sesiones de entrenamiento: «Si no tengo muñecos pq estoy en un equipo pequeño, pongo conos de la Policía”.
Esta es una de las muchas jornadas previstas por el Comité de Entrenadores de la FFCV para ayudar a los entrenadores de la Comunitat Valenciana a mantenerse al día de las últimas tendencias. De esta manera podrán aprovecharse de los conocimientos de los grandes profesionales de fuera de nuestro territorio que trabajan en clubes de la Comunitat.
El técnico ofreció numerosos consejos a todos los que asistieron a su ponencia: «Las virtudes sácalas cuantas más veces mejor y los defectos escóndelos. (…) Mis decisiones están basadas en hacer bien a muchos y eso conlleva daños colaterales por el tipo de trabajo que has elegido. (…) Yo sé que aquí la gente me escucha; no me oye… me escucha».
- Publicado en Actualidad, Noticias Entrenadores, Noticias FFCV
David Rangel, nuevo director de la Escuela de Entrenadores de la FFCV

David Rangel, director de Escuela de Entrenadores, es recibido por Salva Gomar, presidente de FFCV
David Rangel es el nuevo director de la Escuela de Entrenadores de la Federación Valenciana de Fútbol de la Comunidad Valenciana. El ex futbolista y actual entrenador de porteros profesional trabajará en la sede del Comité de Entrenadores y bajo la nueva Área de Formación de la FFCV para dotar de una mayor profesionalización a la Escuela de Entrenadores.
Rangel es diplomado en Magisterio de Educación Física y licenciado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte por la Universidad Católica de Valencia. Como futbolista profesional vistió las camisetas de multitud de equipos de la Comunitat Valenciana: Burjassot CF, Valencia CF, Hércules CF, UE Alzira, Ontinyent CF, CD Castellón, Deportivo Alcoyano y Olimpic de Xàtiva CF.
“Estoy muy ilusionado y contento con el nuevo proyecto de la FFCV y de la Escuela de Entrenadores. Vamos a intentar darle un impulso a la formación de la FFCV y ser referencia como lo es la FFCV”, explicó David Rangel.
El nuevo director de la Escuela de Entrenadores de la FFCV se marca un reto para la nueva etapa: “La intención es formar buenos entrenadores con formadores de referencia a nivel autonómico”.
- Publicado en Actualidad, Noticias Entrenadores, Noticias FFCV
So why Data Storage became the true secret instruments in operation nowadays?
To be able to backup important computer data, one of the best approaches to perform it’s actually by utilizing a web-based offsite backup services. Your data for the on-line applications have to be placed somewhere on the world wide web. Data gives advice go to in the most current clusters. Many of these important data that happen to be in most cases sheltered using leading information cctv camera installation services may well be utilized simply by unwanted people to use criminal acts just like insider trading, yield repairing and so forth Once you store your info, make sure you retailer authorization forms to ensure that occur to be able to file that all your participants were properly agreed. The data is striped throughout disks in the beginning, and mirrored throughout the identical number of drives. Data (like databases) must be placed to comply with laws or contractual agreements connected to data safe-keeping and to maintain your confidentiality, ethics and use of the data. Backing up valuable info and documents is an significant process for each and every organization. The folks who include needs to printer the info in the form of paper paperwork and shop it now do not really have to be troubled by simply these types of kinds of steps. Intended for working a business effectively, it’s extremely crucial that you organize data to your business so you may use that whenever you demand. Data are transformed from a single model to the other within the database hardware, which makes it a great option with respect to systems which the info is referenced reliant on the interrelation together, a superb ebenbild is social media interactions. As soon as your data is going to be your everyday living, because it can in the event of the majority of businesses that is known nowadays, you’ve got very little choice except to decide on the protection of that data just as seriously since you may have a finished loss of sales income or your current customer base. Everybody certainly possesses personal info utilized with regards to a large number of objectives, including applying for job, completing information in many activities, or only presenting themselves to a friend.
Data backup is just as a crucial process meant for keeping information
Info backup could be the primary issue involving using computer systems. While each of our buyer, you’re not going to need to cover data backup till you might need the information. There are a lot of main reasons why data back-up is amongst the many vital factors of facts storage. Owning the most suitable backup and data storage remedy is extremely critical for any business enterprise. If you will absolutely considering going to cloud storage space for the purpose of your venture, here are a number of things you should ponder ahead of producing the engage. As expected, you might have as well produced a decision to find most fairly much larger storage with respect to your requirements before you actually acquired a notebook computer. Off site info storage space is amongst the most current kinds of safe-keeping. Across the internet info storage area includes been given popular with organization firm. It can function for any size firm but just for small companies, this must also be cost successful. Utilizing unified data storage space gives a significant benefit when ever allocating data file and block out access to every digital equipment with out hitting the procedure in the safe-keeping mixture. In the event virtual storage area is apparently proper for you, the best method to find companies is to carry out an net search. Secondary info safe-keeping symbolizes pretty much all the various other types not really included in the main storage. Else where data safe-keeping is a process of computer data backup relating to the utilization of an away from the site destination seeing that a approach of solidifying the significant data in case of a disaster. This is built to provide usage of years of information kept with an organization. The value of information safe-keeping is no below the significance of guarding our life style. It has become progressively more prominent with the progress the Internet and digitalization wave. The significance details storage and backup really should not underestimated for almost any small business. It really is vital to obtain a sufficient amount of comprehension of the methods details transfer and their effectiveness in conveying data from you point to another. The service plan will not encourage restrictions in consideration sizes, record sizes, or perhaps the selection data that may be kept within a data lake. In a situation similar to this, online data storage products and services are the finest alternative intended for virtually any kind of person or perhaps organization. To begin with, you sign-up for a dependable across the internet backup solutions. An else where backup company may be looked at as simple term insurance and an important element of a data restoration strategy. Read on in order to discover more factors why you should consider an promotion data safe-keeping backup companies. You can pick from the many cloud storage companies that will be offered that can be found and who are capable of repairs personal and very small businesses. Found in truth, it is advised that you just seek confer with the help of specialists who are going to insure you for the secureness of the data, to drive clear of undesired situations in an event really are met with any kind of disaster.
Reading more information about Cloud Info Safe-keeping in this article .
- Publicado en Noticias FFCV
Whispered Virtual Info Place Secrets and Alternatives
Info room is known as a required tool for homework. An online internet marketer data bedroom or electronic data room is a marketing and advertising manufacturing facility of significant docs about an organization. The web data area is a awesome approach to deal with business slightly. That enables the providing firm to supply helpful data in a regulated manner and a way to support preserve privacy. It is definitely guarded simply by secureness steps which will be built clear in the agreement. A streamlined, cost-justified digital info room won’t need you to find the money for dozens of gaudy features beneath the thick use. Depending on the size of your operation, you may be in a position to trim your hardware room in half, providing even more room just for the the rest of your experditions. You need a clean space and a good package of knowledge to receive any chance of a good end result in this article. For example, you might require to populate the complete room although close off access to detailed data for the aims of early due diligence. Everyone likewise experience to get acquainted with the precise ideal technique to employ the info bedroom found in your duplex. Instead, most likely employing a top quality digital area that gives high-level security crafted especially intended for organization matters. The actual internet info bedroom is really safeguarded by security strategies that will surely be produced very clear whilst inside the agreement.
Data Room Support
Working the data area might save a good package of your time and source of information and will certainly also permit you to look much more seasoned. A secure info room will allow for you to shield the information the moment sharing this with individuals who require that. Besides, that requires someone username and password each time you want to get into information. The digital data room has evolved to move into a program to help in the whole deal training course of action, not necessarily meant for to handle owed diligence. When you’ve discovered a digital info room which has caused the benefit, be sure that you have got searched their site and contacted all their client support for extra details. A data room stipulates the power for many people to team up and share files that could be secure for several reasons. Some folks even think that the info place is a expensive delight. Electronic data areas are also known as Offer Bedrooms. The digital data areas are the sites internet. Attempt and know how easy is it to use the digital data room you own chosen to consider. The protected digital data room should always have the middle section price tag. The info place causes it to be alternatively simple to share important facts. There are plenty of electronic info place testimonials that you may well value to help you during your search. Contrary to what most people believe, not every digital info area is the identical. Even though digital info rooms furnish a large number of great aspects, it’s not right with regards to each and every organization. As soon as you implement on the web data area in a business procedure, you will be capable to record benefits. The world wide web data space enables the selling provider to offer important info within a handled fashion and in a quick way to help preserve confidentiality. This is the way to take care of business slightly. The information need to be safe. While it may not end up being extremely very sensitive, it will probably still should be guarded. Years ago writing info over the internet wasn’t strictly regulated. By utilizing an electric data space, the information is protected and privacy is without question protected. Ab muscles last thing you need is that somebody steals your important facts. Uploading facts to a data area is without question additionally an effortless course of action. <\p>
A Strategy System pertaining to Data Place
The information space causes it to become rather simple to talk about important specifics. A protected data bedroom is probably going to be a aspect to consider found in the celebration the require is discovered to transmit details from one particular organization to a different. It supplies a chance to send out and receive info even though protecting the privacy of this data. An electronic digital data room is just one of the greatest investments you possibly can make to generate sure you are effective in the response and to time. It has a wide range of applications and is also extremely adaptable. If you will have regarded hiring a digital data area previously, you might have found yourself deciding on a different way of writing info mainly because of false information. Though typically only useful to produce data either noticeable or concealed, most digital data bedrooms provide you many different options to pick from during ventures. You will be even more amazing should it be likewise likely to offer to deliver past an information room. Operating the data room should save yourself a whole whole lot of energy and reference and will also enable you to check a lot more seasoned. A wonderful info place definitely will help you save you and your traders time in many methods. An electronic digital package space, as a result of diligence space, or data room can provide you all of the advantages of a document storage facility without needing to rent the physical space and manually organize the documents. Simply speaking, more than you buyer can be present at your digital room for the correct moment. Commonly, potential buyers need to acquire a basic decision if he or she would like to make use of completely totally free computer software or perhaps if they are ready to cover a request. While customer service might certainly not be towards the top of your list, ensure that the information room provides a superior amount of consumer providers. Furthermore, have a tendency neglect the gratis glimpse, which is in fact the proper method to check on the support and select if it’s the actual thing you need. Data place services happen to be popular in these modern times. To down with, it’s actually to claim the fact that info space products and services are commonly used in numerous spheres and best buys.
With respect to more data click this link
- Publicado en Noticias FFCV
What Absolutely Everyone Is Aphorism About The cloud Info and What You Contain to Carry out
You will find different means to bargain your data. You might hardly ever recover your details or your customer’s data. Moreover, uncover what is going to eventually your data in case the provider is out of organization. Put easily, it’s a strategy of recording data so its accuracy are not able to be questioned and the secureness cannot be made up. More the quantity of info, much lower is the expense of the digital storage area. You will discover moreover a number of employees taking advantage of the joy of accessing the business’s cloud data which in turn contains perceptive property resources and business trade secrets. Ideally, choosing a hybrid type of cloud could be the perfect variety for the majority of organizations. Adding another amount of information protection is always seen as a benefit, while the lack is known as a critical disadvantage. Thus it truly is helpful to improve the data reliability. Info proper protection and security has got came about among the many vital part of a great enterprise.
Precisely what is So Thrilling About The cloud Data?
The latest challenges in the business In the past ten years, backup and recovery continues to be among the most tough tasks designed for numerous businesses. Nowadays riches is often in digital type, and that is why via the internet data back-up has come to become so wanted. Further you’re free to exchange information with different persons via the internet through your existing accounts. Whether it comes to impair computing, traditional backups as you may know them tend exist simply because there is definitely usually no supplementary impair. Cloud processing features overall flexibility because you give as you go. Using cloud processing stipulates a remarkably practical method for businesses and at this time there are a lot of hybrids of cloud calculating database services that you could acquire in the marketplace today. It allows you to automate most of your vital functions and remain informed with the most recent in technology and bring about a more sustainably environment. That permits for unlined, real period venture within just a work place. It is definitely a approach to take in THAT assets being a services rather than product. Anywhere Supply Cloud work permits association to release all their applications all over the world so they can easily serve their particular customers in a section in the selling price of a common brick and mortar group. Database software devices will be between the key software systems for businesses inside the facts period. Cloud computer systems will be largely create designed for company or study needs. Marketing and advertising file management program can support to improve the security of important papers.
Cloud Data – the storyplot
Learn different ways in which in turn you can promote your business your self. Ahead of you select for your company just simply learn which provider fulfils your business requirements and can help you take it one stage further. Given that all businesses need a way of storage corporate online business email, the battle for THIS decision-makers is undoubtedly to identify an email storage answer that may be correct for these people. Along with the human, they are also extremely versatile to modification. The web data back-up business is undoubtedly one which has exploded a embrace sum more than the previous pair of decades. A lot of agencies will be focusing on producing cost-effective and quick data backup procedures. One of the overall most well-liked cloud calculating company is without question AWS and if you are ready to shift the infrastructure upon AWS then you definitely have to make use of AWS consulting solutions by a skilled or a dependable business. Maybe the main advantage foriegn accounting offers you is drastically increased versatility. The advantage with regards to little and medium-size businesses is having the capability to order the potential only seeing that needed. Inside my judgment, the advantages of cloud calculating plainly incorporate the fee financial savings that come about with economic climate of size, nonetheless also integrate tons of several advantages. The digital effect of Cloud computing could it be avoids all kinds of paper and helps saves groves. If you prepare for going into an impair environment, you will will need to learn what the service provider is heading to do in the instance of destroyed or perhaps dropped data. It really is simpler to assess the impair facilities with the actual time reviews on the security system operation in the cloud storage area program.
Much more information examine here:
- Publicado en Noticias FFCV
Sanciones pendientes de cumplimiento de la T.17/18
La Federación de Fútbol de la Comunidad Valenciana hace oficial el listado de Sanciones de la Temporada 2017/18 donde figuran, salvo error u omisión, todos aquellos que tienen pendiente de cumplimiento sanciones de la temporada anterior.
Cabe resaltar que los sancionados de los equipos que disputaron promoción de ascenso no tienen descontadas sus sanciones en esta relación. Aquellos clubes que tengan dudas sobre el cumplimiento de las sanciones, antes de alinear a un futbolista en competición oficial deberán de consultarlo previamente con esta Federación para asegurar su correcta participación.
Autor: Prensa FFCV
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